508-847-2321 [email protected]

How Flat Fee MLS Works


Your property will be listed on your local MLS plus+ many more websites for up to 12 Months or Until Sold.
There are NO cancellation fees, NO hidden fees. And NO additional charges.

  • Your property on your local MLS, the same MLS used by all Real Estate Brokers.
  • Your property will also be on Zillow, Realtor.com®, Redfin and tons of others at no additional cost!
  • Up to 40 photos onto your local MLS depending on the listing package.
  • You set the commission to the buyer’s agent…(it’s negotiable…you decide)!!
  • Keep Your Hard Earned Equity in Your Pocket!
  • You easily work with the buyers and schedule showings & negotiate your offers. Your name and contact number is displayed for agents on the *MLS as the direct contact.
  • Your house will be syndicated and displayed on popular real estate sites like Redfin, Zillow, Coldwell Banker®, RE/MAX®, Keller Williams®, Zip Realty®, Century 21®, and others where thousands of local buyers search. We do not control how, if or when your listing gets published to these other sites!
  • Your house will be on national websites like REALTOR.com®, Yahoo®, Trulia®, Zillow®, REDFIN, where buyers from around the country search for their next home.
  • As soon as your property gets listed you can share your professional  listing on your Social Media or email it to friends and family.
  • You also get all the required state disclosure forms.
  • Cancel at anytime for any reason. No Fee!

*The Local MLS may not allow the owners contact information displayed on the Public MLS data. However your contact info and showing instructions will be available to all Realtors®, Brokers and Buyer Agents